There isn’t much to remark on this week. Last week we had some additional help visiting and we were able to get pretty caught up on all the work around here. We feel good about where things are stand as we start moving into the back half of the season.
Recently we've been enjoying Ratatouille! We always look forward to the portion of the season when tomatoes, eggplant, squash and (red) peppers are all available at the same time along with basil, parsley and garlic. It’s just such a great blend.
If you’re ever at a loss for what to do with your share, just remember that our vegetables are packed with flavor and simply cooking a ton of them down with herbs and garlic is pretty much always delicious. Traditional Ratatouille is definitely the greatest combination known to man, but don’t be afraid to get creative and try other combinations. This week we made sure to have most of the Ratatouille ingredients in the share for you and Megan posted her simple version on the cooking page. Try it!
In your share:
Bell Peppers