Beyond Organic Vegetables
NO Synthetic Pesticides, Herbicides, or Fungicides Ever!
No Till & No Tractor
Completely Re-mineralized Soils
Nutrient Dense
The quality and superior nutrient density of our vegetables comes from our careful soil management.
Vegetables can only be as healthy as the soil they are grown in so we've gone to the extra trouble and expense to completely rebalance the minerals in our soil with custom blends of diverse rock powders. These minerals are then made bio-available to our crops by the abundant and diverse biological communities that we cultivate in our soil. We sustain these communities of biological organisms by protecting the soil, keeping a living root in the soil as much as possible, reducing compaction and carefully managing the moisture and organic matter levels in our soil at all times.
With the soil chemistry in balance, the soil biology fed, and the soil structure protected, our plants are able to reach a level of health and nutrient density that is un-matched. Our vegetables are super healthy because they are grown right.

Pasture-Raised, Organic, Soy-free Chicken
Pasture Raised
Locally Grown Organic Feed
Soy-free Feed
Humanely Raised
No Hormones or antibiotics Ever
Once our chicks emerge from the brooder, they spend their entire life living on fresh pasture. They live in "salatin-style" floorless pens which we move every day to ensure that they are on fresh green grass all the time. Because of this, they get plenty of exercise, fresh green grass, bugs, and sunshine during their lifetime. Since chickens need more then just grass to thrive, we also feed them a ration of organic, soy-free grains that we source from a local organic farmer. At the end of their life they are processed humanely by a local and inspected butcher.
Because we do the extra work to raise our chickens in incredibly clean and healthy conditions, they remain healthy and we do not have to medicate them at all. They do not receive any hormones, vaccines, anti-biotics or stimulants ever.
Because we focus on the fundamentals and refuse to cut corners, our chicken is unmatched in flavor, nutrition, and texture.
You can purchase our chicken individually, in bulk, or as a subscription or in our online store.

Pasture-Raised, Organic, Soy-free Eggs
Pasture Raised (no barns, crates, cages, or crowding EVER)
Locally Grown Organic Feed
Soy-free Feed
No Hormones or Antibiotics EVER
Humanely Raised
Our laying hens live on pasture as long as weather permits, which means they get to live an incredibly comfortable life in the open air. Because we move them to new pasture every day or two, they are always on fresh green grass with plenty of bugs as well. Because all chickens need more then just grass to thrive we also feed them a ration of organic, soy-free grains that are grown ground and mixed by a local organic farmer.
Because our chickens live in an incredibly healthy environment and receive a nutritious and clean diet, they are very healthy and we do not need to medicate them at all. The do not receive any hormones, vaccines, anti-biotics or stimulants ever.
And of course, all this attention to detail and quality also means that the eggs they lay are also incredibly nutritious and healthy with frim yolks and whites. They are the best eggs available.
You can purchase our eggs individually, by the case, or as a subscription in our online store.

100% Grass-fed and Grass-finished
Humanely Raised and butchered
Never Given antibiotics or hormones ever
Rotationally Grazed
Free Choice Mineral Supplements
Our Cows are 100% grass fed and finished and spend their entire lives our on fresh pasture. Because they spend their lives in such clean and healthy environment with a completely natural diet, they do not need medications, anti-biotics, stimulants or growth hormones.
Furthermore, we move our cows to fresh grass multiple times a week which not only ensures that THEY get plenty of good grass in its optimal stage of growth, but the landscape itself is also given adequate rest which ensures it is regenerated over time rather then degraded.
Our cows are healthy and happy. Their life contributes powerfully to restoring our landscapes and their meat is clean, nutritious, and flavorful.
You can order our beef by the cut, in bulk (whole, halves, quarters, and eighths) through our online store or receive a subscription of ground beef.