I'm just going to call it now.
We're going to sell out of eggs again this year.
It happens every year. At some point we don't have enough. Its awkward for us farmers. But its hard to gauge demand. And laying hens take at least 6 months to raise up to egg laying age and when you combine that lag time with the complications of winter housing and managing different ages of birds on different feed rations... well its not like we can just snap our fingers and have more eggs. And unfortunately no amount of bribing seems to help the chickens lay more.
Oh and there is another problem with egg production. And that is the winter sales. Sure the eggs move well over the summer, but in the winter a lot of sales die off. And egg production keeps going. So it doesn't always make sense to scale up if you know you can't sell them in the winter...
But we have a plan this time...
And that is our upcoming Winter EGG CSA. Or maybe we should be calling it a spring CSA... whatever.
Here is the deal: sign up now and start receiving regularly delivered eggs just like you do during the regular CSA season.
Furthermore, when you sign up now, you will get priority signup when the regular CSA sign ups open. That's right, you get first dibs later on.
There won't be enough eggs to go around. I can assure you of that. But this way, if you are serious about getting the highest quality eggs you can, from a source you trust, you can do it. And you don't have to worry about us selling out on you.
If you want to secure your egg supply all year, get on the list now!
Go HERE to sign up.
If you'd like to know a little more, here are the rough details:
The is winter/spring EGG CSA will run for 10 weeks. During that span a full share will receive 10 dozen eggs. Its that simple.
Eggs will be delivered every other Tuesday to drop sites we have serviced in the past (and we are open to new ones if you want to help us create one!)
Half shares will also be available in case you don't eat that many eggs in a week. Half shares will get one dozen eggs every other week (one per delivery).
Of course, you can order a multiple shares if you eat a lot of eggs.
Full shares will cost $50 and half shares will be $25. Since our eggs normally cost $6/Dzn this is also a good way to get a decent discount. Think of it as our way of saying thank you for the commitment and support you show us!
And here's the bonus: by participating in this 10 week CSA you will get the opportunity to sign up for the regular season extra early ensuring it doesn't sell out on you.
And don't say I didn't warn you.
P.S. Sign ups will be opened shortly. If you're not on the list put your name in now!