My name is Joel Barr (white polo shirt on the left) and I started Abraham's Table Farm with my family 7 years ago. My wife Megan is in the pink shirt and our four daughters are scattered about in the photo above. (Everyone else in the photo is our awesome team!)
How this farm came to be is a long story that isn't finished. You can follow it in real time on our blog.
The quick version of WHO we are and WHY we farm is below. But a few paragraphs on a website isn't really who we are--it's just a pile of words. If you want to actually know us you'll have to come to the farm and spend time with us in person.
But if you have to know, here are a few things we believe:
We believe the body is extremely important. We also believe that how we live day to day is extremely important. We might be on a mission to do something world changing (that's what your supposed to write in these blurbs) but we mostly believe the way to do that is by concerning ourselves with living rightly today and tomorrow will take care of itself.
Therefore, we aspire to live quietly, and mind our own affairs', and to work with our hands, so that we may walk rightly before others and be less dependent.
By farming we are seeking to tend carefully to the smallest sphere possible with (sometimes faltering) confidence that this is what is required from us: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to live humbly. We believe that regenerative farming is humble, right, and merciful.
Therefore, we're not so much concerned with saving the environment as we are concerned with feeding people food that heals. (But it just so happens that regenerative farming can also heal entire landscapes and a healthy environment will follow.)
We're are also not so intent on fearfully hedging ourselves against some coming societal meltdown so much as we are concerned with building a place that produces and protects life. And maybe, by farming we may also be prepared to feed strangers and orphans and widows in time. (Perhaps a stable and just society will follow.)
We also love eating really good food. Especially with friends. We think that is a boarder-line sacred act. As is watching sunsets. Farming lets us do both.
Farming also allows me (Joel) to work around my home, close to my wife, and among my children. It would be hard for me to give that up.
But like I said, that's just a pile of words.
We are also real flesh-and-blood people with bodies that ache and minds that wander and emotions that change. We live and work in an actual place and if you really want to know us you'll need to come out and spend time in this place with us.
Oh yeah, and along with word-piles and place, we're also defined by our stories. So go check out our blog a little bit or sign up for our emails so you can get a glimpse of who we are from that angle too.
Thanks for reading!
"We decided to join the ATF CSA the first year they were in business. We love having a personal connection to our food, knowing how it was grown, who was growing it, and how much their care translated into wholesome nutrition for our family. I not only love the seasonal foods we eat, but also knowing that it doesn't travel across the country to get here. It's great for our environment and great for our family. For 20 weeks each year, we get local, nutritious veggies and all year long, we enjoy ATF's local and humanely raised beef, chicken, and eggs.
We would recommend their CSA to anyone who wants to know more about where their food comes from and feel really good about it."
-- Becca A. --