
Oct 21, 20214 min

Summer Season Comes To A Close

Updated: Oct 22, 2021

But Winter Deliveries Begin In Two Weeks

Just days before our final delivery of the summer season, the cold temperatures arrived and frosted our garden. Thankfully, we were ready.

Our low tunnels were in place, protecting some of the more vulnerable crops. And the frost was not that harsh, so we only lost a few things in the garden.

So, there is still a ton of stuff in the garden which means we will be able to provide some deliciously fresh vegetables (along with our eggs, chicken and beef) during our winter season deliveries.

Although that frosty morning portended the deeper cold to come, it has remained surprisingly warm this past week. While the mornings are a little chilly and require us to wear an extra jacket or sweatshirt, by the middle of the day it warms up and field work is actually nice.

We continue to keep busy working through the list of “big projects.” Most of our chores are geared toward tidying up the garden and preparing for when the deeper cold weather settles in.

But as long as we can, we will still have the hardier crops like leeks, cabbage, and root vegetables. It will certainly be a smaller selection. Hypothetically, we could extend our growing season (for a limited amount of spinach and salad mix, etc) in the warm high tunnel. The big challenge is that we will not have our washstand available -- the water would be freezing cold and the packing process would be miserable.

Time For Our Chicken Dance

This week we finished the final repair work on our high tunnel -- which was damaged last spring – and moved the chickens into it as their “winter quarters.” They have a fresh bed of absorbent hay and wood chips, some new nest boxes and plenty of space to roost and ramble around, and are protected from the elements. Life for them is good, as they enjoy a cozy and warm winter retreat heated simply from the solar energy created by the tunnel.

You might be asking, "Is herding a flock of chickens from the field into the high tunnel a challenge?" Not really, but only because we’ve learned a trick or two that makes it a lot simpler. By moving them late in the evening after the sun goes down, they are all settled in for the evening in their portable field-roost. That's when they become fairly docile (and their night vision is not so good).

We simply transfer them one by one into mobile crates, and move them across our field into the high tunnel. It seems that chickens have a very short memory and when they wake up the next morning, they simply acclimate to their new surroundings as if that’s where they've always lived.

Looking For Summer Interns

One of the highlights of this summer season was being part of the fantastic team that worked here. They brought creativity and energy. They enjoyed great comradery and experienced a deep sense of team spirit. And they had an opportunity to work close to nature, think deeply about their priorities, and interact with others in a nurturing way.

As we mentioned in our last blog post, the sister-team of Debi and Beth Card are now back in sunny Florida. And we are more aware that we need to start the process of recruiting our farm team for next spring.

Jed English, who split his time between working for the farm and expanding his bread-baking skills, learned a lot by working in the garden and taking on some operations management responsibilities. “It’s been really rewarding,” he stated. “I’ve learned a lot from this experience and I’m really grateful for this year.”

No doubt about it, he continued, “it’s physical work and it’s relational work. You’re living closely with a whole group of people. I love the people and I love the work, but it’s still work and that’s got to be recognized going into it. Would I recommend it? Definitely.”

As he gets ready to move back to Chattanooga, he remarked that the best part of working at Abraham’s Table Farm is the people. “I will certainly miss seeing so much growth and change in nature, and especially being so in-touch with the seasons, but the people are the reason I came, and that's what I will miss most when I leave.”

If you or anyone you know is interested in an internship, just email us at abrahamstablefarm@gmail.com. We have to get our team set as soon as possible.

New Winter Schedule – And OPEN Sign-ups For Winter Delivery

Now that the summer season is over, after taking a much-needed break, we will begin a bi-weekly delivery schedule starting November 9. You can sign up now on our Winter Sign-up page to make sure you continue to receive the very best free-range chicken, nutrition-packed beef, and wholesome eggs – plus you can place orders for whatever fresh-picked garden fruits and vegetables are available.

Only The Best Beef For Our Friends

We only have one-half cow share left! Call today if you want it.

When you purchase a quarter, half, or whole cow from Abraham’s Table Farm, you're buying rights to a live animal (or a portion of it), and in so doing, contracting us to raise that cow, fattening it up, and caring for it so it produces the most nutritious and flavorful beef possible.

At Abraham’s Table Farm, we grow healthy, natural, chemical-free food. And that makes our philosophy pretty simple – raise our animals with the greatest of care in a completely natural setting, using sustainable, free-range, rotational grazing practices. No added growth hormones. No GMOs. No antibiotics. Ever.

Click here for more details.
